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    Monday, March 31, 2008

    10 Questions Every Leader Should Ask

    I came across this blog at it's by Craig Groeschel. It's to amazing not to post. These questions really challenged me, I would love to hear your comments on this.

    10 Questions Every Leader Should Ask

    During this series, we’ll look at ten questions each leader should ask in several different areas of life.

    Today we’ll examine some questions that surround our Relationship with Christ.

    1. What did I learn in God’s word this week?
    2. Is my burden for prayer growing or diminishing?
    3. Does my heart break for the things that break the heart of God?
    4. Have I grown accustomed to or accepted sin in my life?
    5. Am I doing ministry out of an overflow of God’s work in my heart or out of my own strength?
    6. Has my teaching and ministry deepened, changed, or evolved in a positive way in the last year?
    7. Do I have a sincere peace that I’m living an authentic life of spiritual integrity?
    8. Is my heart growing larger for people and God or is it shrinking?
    9. Am I closer to God today than I was a year ago?
    10. Do others comment that they can clearly see evidence of God’s work in my life?

    Which of these resonate with you? What else would you ask?


    Anonymous said...

    Very good questions, that is something you should have posted on your fridge so you can look at it every day...I think the one I may struggle with the most is:

    Am I doing ministry out of an overflow of God's work in my heart or out of my own strength?

    Sometimes it just seems like everything is so hard, and even if you try your hardest is seems like people dont respond. So is it your work or God's work when you dont want to do it anymore, or you just get so frustrated but you do it anyways? I dont know...sometimes I just want to quit, like nothng is making a difference...

    But I must say when I do feel like that, God has often shown me that it is making a difference...I just need to learn to be patient, and do what he says...but remembering to be in prayer about everything, b/c if I forget that piece-i may be trying to do things on my own. Which in return will be harder then if I were to wait for Christ to help!

    Nice blog.

    Shane Shornock said...

    I ask the question. "am I able to rest in God?" Even though Jesus minister to a lot of people in ministering was not his identity. His identity was God. He was always trying to run away a pray and just be with his Papa. Leadershipt question always have to do with doing never with resting and great leaders only minister because they know how to sit and be still.