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    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Galatians 5:13

    Living in freedom, serving one another in love.

    What can happen when we live free in God, what could happen if we served one another in love.

    On Friday nights I go to our local prison, I see guys who know they've made wrong decisions, I get the opportunity to hear and share there pain... They are in lock down... Is there any hope?

    I've found some of these men have a heart that cares, a heart that breaks for others... Ironic...

    I've challenged these men to live free in God, to serve those they are around in love... What could happen to a prison where the men inside knew God, believe God's truth and served others in Love...

    What could happen to your work place, your home if you served others in love...

    Monday, July 21, 2008

    Our Trip

    Man oh Man... Oklahoma is a great place... livable = totally, real=defiantly

    We meet so many new friends... The people there are amazing, their hearts are full of compassion.

    If you get a chance go and visit that place will rock your world. I promise you will meet people who care and just have the love of Christ embedded in them!

    Thanks to all of you who we got to spend time with, it means a lot!

    Tuesday, July 8, 2008

    Living in the Present

    Sometimes in life you come to a situation where you're not always sure what to do. It's easy to beat our selfs up for past mistakes, failures or mishaps. It's easy to worry about the future, the what ifs, what am I going to do when... for me it's planning SO far out that nothing ever seems to come to pass. The stat I heard was that 80% of the stuff we worry about never happens... wow

    A great friend of mine recently shared with me about living in the PRESENT. That's what Jesus did, he didn't beat him self up for past mishaps, he didn't focus on what he was going to do tomorrow. He knew his mission, he knew his values and he stuck to to them! He lived in community with the people he was with at "THAT" moment, living in the moment, living in the present.

    I'm working on it, it's hard... How about you?

    Tuesday, July 1, 2008

    Time Off

    Jesus rested... right? we all need to take a break every now and then. In the church world sometimes it just seems like your constantly going. Or at least that's how I feel. I'm excited for my wife and I's upcoming trips!

    July 18-20 | OKC []
    Aug. 1-3 | Somewhere up north a wedding and peaceful getaway.

    How about you. Any trips, and plans for rest?