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    Friday, August 15, 2008

    Having "IT"

    I'm currently reading through Craig Groeschel's new book called "IT". Some things have it, some things don't. You can't put it in a bottle and drink it and then have it...

    What is it... Does your church have it... I believe if a place has it, you can feel it, sense it, and see it... life change...

    In Owatonna there is not a lot to get excited about, O-twon is a great place to live, it's a great place to raise a family. Owatonna has something that seems to bring the it in focus...

    Right now as I'm typing there are thousands of people going to one place for many reasons... The Steele County FREE Fair... This is the one place I can think of in our tiny town where a conglomeration of all types of people come together. You have rich, poor, white, black, handicap, big, small, all types of people coming together for ONE thing.... The fair has "IT"...

    What can the church do to be that place that has "IT"?


    Anonymous said...,,PTID314526%7CCHID616736%7CCIID,00.html

    Anonymous said...

    Great BLOG! :) I also like your picture! I need to do this again....Love you hunny, great insite, you are smart! :)

    Anonymous said...

    Very nice,very impressive son!
    God bless you. Love, Mom